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Pixel 6A

  • Building And Flashing AOSP for Pixel 6A (Bluejay)

Preparing The Environment

  • We need to keep our packages up to date to avoid errors due to older ones.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Installing Necessary Tools

  • To build and flash our device we need some tools to convert source code into binary file for that we need to execute the below command.
sudo apt install openssh-server screen python git openjdk-8-jdk android-tools-adb bc bison build-essential \
curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32ncurses-dev lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev \
liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool \
squashfs-tools xsltproc yasm zip zlib1g-dev libtinfo5 libncurses5

Downloading and setting the Repo Tool

  • When we download Android source code from google, it has hundreds of git repositories. We need to handle those files for that we need a tool called repo tool, to download and set the path execute the following code.
sudo wget '' -P /usr/local/sbin/
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/sbin/repo
  • We can test the repo tool by typing repo. If we get the following, it should work.

error: repo is not installed. Use "repo init" to install it here.

Configure the git tools

  • Now we need to Configure the git tools by executing following commands
git config --global ""

git config --global "Your Name"

Downloading the AOSP source code.

  • Create a folder in our system and download the aosp source code in it.
  • Make a note of the branch and build the id of the device which we want to build and flash.
  • Build Information for Pixel 6A (Bluejay)
  • Branch : SD2A.220601.001.A1
  • Build TAG: android-12.1.0_r12

    For Code Names and branches see here CodeNames.

    For device specific vendor binaries see here DriverBinaries.

  • To create folder enter the following commands in terminal

mkdir ~/AOSP_Root
  • To change the directory from current directory
cd ~/AOSP_Root
  • This command will initialize the sources that are required for the branch mentioned after the b tag.
repo init -u -b android-12.1.0_r12
  • If you are concern about space then use the following command with additional parameter "--depth=1"
repo init -u -b android-12.1.0_r12 --depth=1
  • By executing the following command you can download the source code
repo sync -j30


The above command will take significant time depends upon the Internet speed and system configuration.

  • After downloading the source code you need to download the Device specific vendor binaries From here DriverBinaries and download the correct binary file using build id and branch.

  • After downloading Binaries Place them in the AOSP_Root/ directory and extract the tar zip file using the following command.

tar -xzf google_devices-bluejay-sd2a.220601.001.a1-0145bbe6.tgz
  • After extracting the above file you will get on shell script file named execute the script file using following command.
  • While executing these file, you need to type I ACCEPT when prompted in order to execute these successfully.

Now successfully downloaded the full source code now we need to Build the source code.

Building the AOSP Source Code


Before executing below commands make sure you are in AOSP_Root/ Directory.

  • By executing following command all essential definitions provided by are loaded into the current shell.
source build/
  • now you need to execute the following command to select the device specific build target.
  • the above command will show the list of avialable devices build targets you need to select your device specific target by typing corresponding number or name of the target ( in my case it is aosp_bluejay-userdebug )


do the below changes Specific to my branch and device

  • After lunch command execute the following command to build otatools which are required to build and package the flashable zip file.
make otatools -j20
  • After above command you need to modify the following file to build the vendor-bootconfig.img image file which is required in android 12 builds, but the target line is missing in my branch and device source code.

  • File Path: AOSP_Root/build/make/core/Makefile

  • to open that file use the below commands in AOSP_Root/ Terminal.
cd build/make/core

gedit Makefile
  • Once you opened the above file identify the following line


Add below line after above line. (NOTE: use "ctrl+f" to search the string.)

  • Now goto the Root directory by typing the following command.
  • Now execute the following command to build the source code
make updatepackage -j20


The above command will take significant time depends upon the Internet speed and system configuration.

  • After successfull completion of building source code you will get flashable zip file in the following path out/target/product/bluejay/ file named

  • The above file you can flash on to the device using adb and fastboot tools.

Flashing The AOSP source code.

  • To flash you need unlock the bootloader of the device

Unlocking the Bootloader (Optional)

To unlock the bootloader of the device you have to follow below steps if not done before.

  1. Enable the developer options by tapping 7 times on Build Number.
  2. Then goto developer options and enable OEM unlocking toggle and USB debugging toggle also.
  3. Then execute the following commands on the terminal by connecting device to system.

    • After connecting device allow the prompt if any shows on the device by ticking the mark of Always allow from this computer

      adb reboot bootloader

      fastboot flashing unlock
  4. by executing above commands on the device it will show prompt and press the Volume keys untill it shows "Unlock the bootloader" option and then press Power button to confirm.

  5. then you can see in the device options Device state:Unlocked.

  6. then execute the following command to go back to Homepage.

    fastboot reboot

    • now you succesfully unlocked the bootloader of the device.

Flashing the Image file.

  • To Flash image file executing the below commands in AOSP_Root/ directory.
adb reboot bootloader

fastboot -w update out/target/product/bluejay/


Don't Remove your device until the above command executed sucessfully.

  • After successfull completion of above command you will redirect to Homepage of your device of custom ROM.